Kristýna Durasová

yoga student & practitioner

I am 29 years old and the mother of a 7 year old baby girl. In childhood I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Initially I refused to accept the medication prescribed until I realized that it's a part of me and it's my job to learn how to live with it, that's why I decided to take the path of yoga. I suffer from emotional imbalance, relationship issues and feelings of emptiness. At times I attempt to destruct and destroy myself, finding joy in extreme life experiences and lifestyle. It's scientifically proven that even under restful conditions the brain of people with BPD is always in a state of tension. My brain is always ready to act, fight, evaluate, observe - it never rests. It's very difficult to recognize that there is something wrong with me. Inside I struggle with depression and anxiety yet it's so easy to express myself as a very friendly, balanced and normal.


© 2018 Kristýna Durasová.
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